Information for young people


Information for young people (aged 21 and under) If you have found this website you may be looking for support. Psychological therapy is about helping people to change, adapt or manage difficulties that are getting in the way of life.

You may want support If you are:

• Worrying more than usual

• Avoiding things you used to do

• Feeling sad a lot of the time

• Having lots of arguments with friends / family

• Lacking in confidence

• Having trouble sleeping or eating

• Having difficulties concentrating or organising yourself at school

• Hurting yourself

Why see a psychologist?

A psychologist would offer a warm, friendly and private space to make sense of how problems have come about. They may see you on your own or with your family depending on your hopes and where the difficulties lie. A Psychologist could offer specific strategies to help you cope with your thinking, feelings and how to do things differently to improve your situation. They may also teach you strategies to tolerate and accept difficulties that are more difficult to change.


Your safety and wellbeing is of utmost importance. A psychologist has a duty of care to ensure you and others are safe from harm. So although psychological therapy is confidential, if the psychologist is worried about you or your family then together you would discuss who else needs to be involved to keep things safe. This could mean helping you to have a voice by talking to your family or other professionals.

What to do now

Talking about your difficulties with your parents or a responsible adult in your life (such as a teacher or your GP) is the first step. You may find this first step gives you the support you need without professional help. However if you and the responsible adult felt that extra help is needed please contact Dr Naira Wilson to think about a way forward.